Retirees: Local 280 is hosting Esophageal Cancer Screenings on Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29. Please see more information below and sign up for the screening.
Why Should I Get Screened?
Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (EAC) is the fastest growing cancer in the United States with a 733% increase in incidence in the past 40 years. EAC is the 7th leading cause of cancer death in men. It is a highly lethal cancer; the average time from diagnosis to death is ~13 months and the 5-year survival rate is only ~20%…but it can be prevented through screening.
Firefighters have a 62% greater risk of developing Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (EAC) and a 39% higher likelihood or dying from EAC. This is substantiated in multiple clinical papers and frequently referenced by the Firefighter Cancer Support Network. The Firefighter Cancer Support Network states that firefighters have an 80% greater likelihood of developing EAC than non-firefighters.
There is nothing “nice” about cancer, however the “nice” thing about EAC is that it has an established, diagnosable pre-cancerous condition called Barrett’s Esophagus (BE). EsoGuard can identify BE with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity, starting with methylation changes that occur during the earliest cellular changes all the way through to EAC. The goal is to find pre-cancer and effectively treat it with ablation therapies so that it never turns into cancer. EsoGuard provides a binary “yes or no” result, and patients with a positive result should go on for confirmatory upper endoscopy.
**This is not an annual screening, it is better to do it one time then not at all**
EsoGuard is NOT an annual screening, it is better to be screened one time than never at all. If a firefighter’s risk factor profile changes in the 5-10 years after an initial negative screening result, a repeat screening is recommended. If someone over the age of 60 receives a negative screening result, there is no reason for that individual to be screened again.
- Google Forms – Risk Factor Questionnaire to determine eligibility for screening:
- Sign Up Genius – Schedule your appointment:
For the day of the Screening test, please bring:
- Driver’s License and Medical Insurance card
- Do NOT eat or drink 2 hours prior to the screening test. If needed, small sips of water are allowed leading up to the screening test.
BILLING POLICY/COST: (No out of pocket cost)
When this claim is submitted, a few things happen:
- The patient will receive an explanation of benefits from their insurance provider. This is not a bill and it does not come from Lucid.
- The patient may receive a Claims Notification Letter from Lucid. This letter requests authorization from the patient to go through the appeals process on their behalf. If the patient does not respond to this letter, Lucid may call the patient up to 2 times requesting authorization for appeal. If the patient ignores that letter and calls, it will not change anything with our policy.
- Then three things can happen:- The insurance company pays the claim in full…no further action.- The insurance company denies the claim, even after appeal…we consider this claim fully adjudicated, no further action.- The insurance company pays a portion of the claim. In this situation, we are legally obligated to send an invoice for the patient responsibility, but we are not legally obligated to collect the patient responsibility…anything not covered by insurance will be written off. The patient will receive one invoice and one invoice only, and we do not utilize collections. This will be provided to everyone at the time of screening.